Book Blitz - Excerpt & Giveaway - The Dollmaker by Morgan Shamy
No one is safe. Not when the Dollmaker lurks in the shadows.
When Dawn Hildegard’s best friend Rose is kidnapped by “The Dollmaker,” a crazed serial killer who creates “art” from women’s bodies, she drops everything to find her—including her dream of becoming a doctor. With the help of a handsome new acquaintance and his mysterious brother, they set off to find the killer. Although they quickly become friends, Dawn cannot shake the uneasy feeling that the brothers know more about the murders than they admit.
As more and more victims are found murdered and displayed throughout town, Dawn must use her wits to find Rose before it’s too late. And before she too becomes the Dollmaker’s next victim.
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He slowly began to pace in front of her, his shaded head tipped in thought. His legs werelong in the dark, though he wasn’t much taller than her. Bits of slanted light streamed in from thefloorboards above them, highlighting the divots of his face. She still couldn’t see him clearly.“I’ve never had anyone find me before,” he said. “And I take pride in the fact that no onedoes. I lead a quiet life, and uninterrupted life, and now… you’ve interrupted it.”He paused, facing her head on. He was nothing more than a shadow in front of her.She held still, silent. If he was The Dollmaker, she didn’t want to make him upset. He hadn’tkilled her yet, but maybe he liked to toy with his prey before he slaughtered them.“I won’t tell anyone about you,” she choked out. “Just let me go.”
He let out a bitter laugh. “And why should I believe you?”
“Why are you trying to stay hidden?”
Both of their questions hung in the air.
He started pacing again. Her heart was hammering its way up into her throat, she couldbarely breathe. She edged back a step. His head snapped up and he sprung forward once more.He gripped her upper arm and began to drag her into the dark, away from the orchestra pit. Shestruggled against him, trying to rip out of his embrace, but his hold was concrete. He led herthrough a dark hallway that slanted upward at an incline, until the hallway stopped at a dead end.A door towered in front of above them. She still couldn’t see his face.He moved in close, yanking her up against him, until she felt his breath on her cheek. “If you tell anyone about me—anyone at all—I will know. And if you do, there will be consequences greater than you can imagine. Death will follow, I can assure you that.”
Short one liners:
She’d never had anyone look at her like that—a look that made her feel as if she were about to be eaten alive—a look that made her feel as if he… owned her.
Thick stitches lined the neck and where the arms and legs and joints connected. Different arms… different legs… different hands…

Author Bio:
Morgan Shamy is an ex-ballerina turned YA writer. She has been immersed in the arts since the young age of 4, where she performed various roles alongside a professional ballet company for over seven years, and has danced on prestigious stages like soloing at Carnegie Hall in New York City. She has taught hundreds of girls in her fifteen years of teaching, where some of her students have received full-ride scholarships to schools like School of American Ballet, the Harid Conservatory, Kirov Academy of Ballet, and Pacific Northwest Ballet, to name a few.
Morgan discovered writing when her three-year-old son was diagnosed with cancer. It was through that experience which instilled the need to share art and magic with children through words on the page.
Morgan is also an accomplished concert pianist. She was the first girl in Utah to receive the 75 pt. Gold Cup in the Utah Federation of Music in piano solo/concerto competition. Morgan currently lives with her X-Games gold-medalist husband and four children in Salt Lake City, Utah.
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