Release Day Blitz (Excerpt) : Full Color by Traci Hayden

Title of book: Full Color
Sequel to Black & White, The Picture Perfect Series
Page #: 161 pages
Official release date: April 26, 2015
Official genre of book: Contemporary Family Romance
Content warning: one scene of violence and a couple adult situations


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Six months after meeting Beth Huntley, William Lorde's world is full of bright and vibrant colors. The only darkness that exists hangs over Beth. Her refusal to believe that she can walk in the light side by side with William only makes him strive harder to prove otherwise.

Beth keeps a deep secret locked away, the very secret that makes her believe that she's not worthy of a happily ever after. She is convinced creating a life with William will only make him the man he was when they met. 

Suddenly her past creeps back, threatening any chance she and William might have. Will she finally let down her last wall and allow William in? Will she accept the support and protection of those who love her most? Can she truly have a life full of colors and the joy of a forever? Or, will her past destroy it all?

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PicMonkey Collage

I watched the interaction between them through the camera lens. Beth wrapped her fingers around Angel's tiny hands, pulling her up onto her feet. Beth took a step backward, lengthening the distance between them. Angel looked down at her feet, almost willing them to move. Her leg came up, moving her foot forward in a jerky motion. Her foot landed on a patch of grass, crushing it beneath her. She looked up at Beth, her eyes wide in amazement. She giggled as Beth stepped backwards again. She looked down and pulled her leg up, then realized she couldn't move that one forward without losing her balance. She put her foot back down and raised the other leg. A smile spread across her face as she continued this beautiful dance with Beth.

They made their way slowly back to the blanket. When they were almost within arm's length of me, Beth twisted around, so she was behind Angel. I stretched out my hands towards Angel, waiting to see if she would make the attempt on her own. So many things happened at once. Beth loosened her grip on Angel, Angel took an unsupported step forward, and Angel spoke her first real word as she reached out for me. "Dada!" Her tiny voice was clear and her tongue and lips formed the word precisely.

I was almost numb from the shock. Angel had made so many incoherent sounds over the months, but it had never been like this. She’d recognized me and had come to the realization that the word and I were connected. She repeated the word again and again as she took another unsupported step towards me. Then something grabbed her attention, throwing her concentration off. She lost her balance and grew quiet as she began to fall forward. I reached out, wrapping my hands protectively around her waist, pulling her into my arms.




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Traci Hayden is a mother of four beautiful girls and one adorable granddaughter and a gorgeous baby grandson.

She has always had a passion for reading, but recently the obsession for writing has taken over.

As a Nova Scotian native now living in British Columbia, Traci has travelled across Canada, fuelling her imagination from coast to coast.

Along with two dogs and two cats, Traci's home is shared with her partner of 17 years. He is her rock and constant support.

Traci loves all genres of writing, but currently is exploring the world of romance.

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