Release Day Review: Book of the Dead by Nadine Nightingale

Gods of Egypt #2
Genres: Paranormal, Young Adult

They called me Angel of Death, but I am something else. Someone else. That is, if you believe the Egyptian desert god, Seth, who haunted my dreams since I can think. Sounds crazy, huh? 

I, too, thought I was insane.
Broken beyond repair.

When Seth’s followers—the Black Flags—invaded our annual Halloween ball and slaughtered half the town, my nightmares became reality. Those crazy bastards think I’m the reincarnation of Nebt-Het, the Egyptian goddess of protection, that I can help Seth get his immortality back. It’s why they pushed my cousin, Izzy, through a portal to the Underworld, knowing I had no choice but to follow her.

Now, I’m trapped in this godforsaken place, forced to conquer all twelve caverns, with Seth by my side.

I was born into a Traveler clan. Grew up with tales of warriors and magic. I thought it was all bullshit. Fairytales. Until—

Nisha Blake, the girl of my dreams, caused an earth quake.
And an Egyptian God sent his crazy disciples to kill half the town.

I failed to protect Nisha. Couldn’t stop her from going after her cousin, from walking right into hell. Now, she’s in Seth’s world, bound to do what he wishes.

Our only chance, to get the girls back, is to find The Book of the Dead—some long lost magic tome, no one has seen or heard of in ages.

Wish us luck.
We’ll need it.

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**ARC provided in exchange for an honest review**

Book of the Dead is the sequel to Book of Souls, and it definitely should be read in order. This book starts where we left off in the previous book, which is Nisha following her cousin Izzy to the Underworld to save her. To do this she has to beat the Trials, also known as The Journey Through the Underworld. While Nisha is busy with the Trials, Blaze and the rest of her friends are trying to find a way to enter the Underworld to save her and Izzy. They need the Book of the Dead to access the Underworld. I enjoyed this book a lot, and the storytelling abilities of Nadine were phenomenal. It really felt like I was together with Nisha participating in the Trials. I did feel like some of the caverns could've been harder to conquer. I did enjoy Nisha's conflicted interaction with Seth, who is the villain in the first book.

I also enjoyed Blaze, Oz, Shaggy, and Scooby's quest to find the Book of the Dead. It wasn't predictable and their separate journey kept me interested. I think this book was a great set-up to what is still to come in the next book, which I assume will be the conclusion to the story. Nisha and Blaze both discover new things about their past, and it intrigued me even further to see what is going to happen next. I am also very interested in Seth and what kind of role he will play in the next book. Egyptian mythology has been integrated perfectly into the story, and it has me excited to learn more about it. Book of the Dead was a great sequel to the first book, and I absolutely love Nadine's writing style. And I feel like she really did extensive research to give the reader a real experience with Egyptian mythology. This book was a action-packed and suspenseful YA paranormal novel, and I can't wait to see what will happen next.

Author Bio:

Nadine aka Dini is a traveler at heart. She considers the world her home and practically lives out of her suitcases. When she's not glaring at a blank page or abusing her poor keyboard, she spends her time reading, watching movies (preferably horror), pretends to work out, and hangs out with friends and family. Poor girl also suffers from a serious Marvel superhero addiction. So, if you run into her at night, wearing black, know she's secretly dreaming of being the infamous Black Widow.

Her love for writing started in the sixth grade where she annoyed her classmates with a short story featuring Sailor Moon characters, a cemetery, and creepy ghosts. Yes, she's always been addicted to the dark side. Nadine writes paranormal romance. Her debut novel "Karma" the first book in her paranormal romance series Drag.Me.To.Hell. is published by the Wild Rose Press.

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