Release Blitz: Craze by Andi Jaxon

Craze by Andi Jaxon
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: January 11, 2018
Have you felt a strong emotion for someone you've never
seen, never had a conversation with? I’ve always felt like I was being studied,
shielded. Goosebumps frequent my skin and the hair all over my body stands at
attention. I’ve grown used to it over the years, I’m no longer bothered by it.
In fact, some time ago, I started to feel comforted by it. Someone cares enough
to keep watch over me, no one ever cared about me except my best friend Elliot.
The problem is that once my stalker makes himself truly
known, I’m not sure I can handle who he truly is, he leads me down a dark path
of pleasure mixed with pain.

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I screech, “WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING IN HERE?!?” I shout as I jump from the
falls off the bed, arms and legs wild as he tries to catch himself, “FUCK!”
I can hear
he’s breathing hard from the other side of the bed. “What the hell is going
on?” I say as calmly as possible. I’m so embarrassed and so shocked at this
turn of events that I can’t do anything but stand there, not knowing what to do
or say.
chooses that moment to stand up and rub the sleep out of his eyes. After
blinking a few times, he suddenly realizes the crazy situation we currently
find ourselves in.
I…I… I’m so sorry…You got sick last night, like a lot, ended up puking on
yourself and me.” He’s passing the side of the bed, running his hands through
his hair.
you broke down crying hysterically because Fred, your fifth-grade goldfish,
never loved you so he just up and died, like a goldfish can commit suicide!
After 45 minutes of that nonsense, you started going on about how you let
Jeremy Fletcher get away, and how he was the one for you, even though you were
eight when he moved away! Aand you HATED him!” He comes to stop, facing
away from me, rubbing his temples.
I can’t handle this shit right now.
“I thought
I was dreaming!” He finally turns to face me, shoving his hand in my direction.
I am
horrified. I’m standing in front of my best friend, the only person I have in
the entire world, in only panties after he just finger fucked me to orgasm
following a night of drinking.
Once I
notice that my tits are out and bouncing around, I snatch a blanket off the bed
and wrap it around me like a cocoon.
“Just get
out of here,” is all I can think of to say, not looking at him.
There’s no
coming back from this, there’s no way our friendship can survive this. Tears
are slowly falling down my cheeks. Now I will always assume that he’s thinking
about me naked, that he’s jealous of anyone I ever go on a date with.
I can’t
deal with any of this right now.
My head is
For some
reason, he finds this situation amusing, since he’s smirking at me.
are you super mad now?”
I just
stare at him, not understanding.
“What? What
does that even mean?”
Now he’s
laughing, “You have a cape on, so now you must be Super Mad.”
“Get out

Author Bio
Raised all over the
country, I'm an interesting mix of East Coast meets West Coast with a little
bit of Southern thrown in, just for good measure. I married a sexy man in
uniform who let me spawn and am now raising a mutinous army of hell raisers
that I created myself, all while he defends our country. I drink too much
coffee until it's late enough to drink too much wine and am sexually frustrated
for your freedom.
I never thought I
would be a writer, it was never an interest of mine. But when the voices start
in and won't let you sleep, you write so they STFU and leave you alone for a
If you see me
online, I'm probably sitting in a closet, hiding from my kids. I'm sarcastic,
love a dirty alpha male, and love to laugh.
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