Blog Tour + Giveaway: Effortless by Bethany-Kris

EFFORTLESS, A Legacy Novel by Bethany-Kris 
Publication Date: January 15, 2018 
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Erotic, Romance, Organized Crime


Camilla Donati doesn’t do relationships—it’s just not her thing. She wants a fun time, not a long time. She might be exactly what Tommaso Rossi needs to make his vacation from the responsibilities as a Capo, a break worth taking.
He didn’t expect to find a woman like her with a mind full of filth.
She didn’t expect a man who would shatter all of her rules with only a grin.
Chicago keeps calling Tommaso home, and further out of reach from the one thing he wants more than ever. Camilla’s restless heart keeps getting in the way even when it’s stuck between what is, and what could be.
This should have been easy.
It didn’t have to be messy.
Falling in love is effortless.
It’s people who make it hard.

Effortless: A Legacy Novel is a standalone contemporary erotic romance.


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“You know, everything they said about me is true.”
“How do you know they said anything at all?”
“Because everybody deserves a warning when it comes to me.” Camilla grinned wickedly, gave him a wink, and took another drink of her wine. “My mother likes to say I’m a free spirit. Wild-hearted. Everyone else has a compass, and it points them north to keep them settled. My compass is broken, but that doesn’t stop people from thinking they can fix it.”
“Not all broken things need to be fixed. Sometimes, the interesting and beautiful parts are the broken ones. It’s the story, not the ending, that tells the tale.”
Camilla laughed a sexy, musical note. “You just took my easiest pick up line, and turned it into something beautiful.”
“Let’s call it a talent of mine.”
“One of many?”
Her crimson lips curved sinfully, baring her straight, white teeth. He didn’t miss the suggestive undertone in her question at all.
His cock perked to life all over again.
Quick-witted. Unashamed. Tempting. Beautiful.
Probably dangerous.
For a heart.
For a soul.
For any man in her path.
Right then, Tom was the one standing right in front of her oncoming destruction. Camilla Donati was a bombshell. One hell of a combination when it came to a woman. He either wasn’t smart enough to get out of the way, or he just didn’t care.
Tom understood all too well what Zeke had meant earlier with his warning.
It would be far too easy to fall in love with a woman like Camilla. All she needed to do was just speak to a man. She spoke, and he was caught.
Just like that.
Who the hell was this girl?
How had he missed meeting her for this long?
“What brought you to New York, Tom? Chicago not keeping you entertained, or what?”
“A break,” he said. “A much needed break, Camilla.”
“You can call me Cam.”
He smirked. “Is that all I can call you?”
Camilla’s brown eyes darted up to his, and that teasing tongue of hers came out to wet her bottom lip. “If you’re funding, feeding, or fucking me, then I guess you can call me whatever the hell the you want, Tom, but only when you’re doing those things.”
Yeah, love.
It would be easy, he knew.
He’d marry a woman like Camilla in a heartbeat. She was one of a kind. There wasn’t another woman in her vicinity who could keep his attention like she just had, or match her fire.
“Just remember, it ends when I say it does,” Camilla added with a shrug.
“Got it.”
“Have you been drinking tonight?”
“No, why?” he asked.
Camilla handed over a small clutch. “I’ve had two glasses—enough to be over the limit on a test, not that I can even feel it. Sucks being short when it means you can’t absorb alcohol as fast. You drive; I’ll give you directions.”
“Your place or a hotel?”
“I like waking up in my own bed. Plus, I’ve got a weapon that can kill you hidden within reach in every single room, so …”
“I sincerely hope you’re not joking.”
Because that would be the perfect topper on the sexy, fan-fucking-tastic creation that was Camilla Donati.
“There’s a reason why my brother never worries about me, Tom. He’s taught me well.” She beamed at him. “And no, I’m not joking about the weapon bit, either, in case you want to test my limits.”
Camilla’s teeth sunk into her bottom lip after she added, “And I don’t have very many of those—limits, I mean.”
God, he loved that, too.
“Let’s go.” She ticked a finger over her shoulder, and set the wine glass to a small end table against the wall. “We’ll see if I can make your break from Chicago worth it, Tom.” 


Bethany-Kris is a Canadian author, lover of much, and mother to four young sons, one cat, and two dogs. A small town in Eastern Canada where she was born and raised is where she has always called home. With her boys under her feet, snuggling cat, barking dogs, and a hubby calling over his shoulder, she is nearly always writing something … when she can find the time.
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