Wonder F*ck by Maggie Marr is NOW LIVE & Free on Kindle Unlimited!

NOW LIVE & Free on Kindle Unlimited


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I am the Wonderf*ck. I’ve got a rocket in my pocket and I live to take you for a ride. I’ve got everything a woman wants, all in one tight, well-muscled, long, hard package, because every woman is beautiful. I’ve dedicated my life to tapping into your sensuality and sexuality until it pours from you. I loved once and lost. My heart shattered and I committed myself then to providing women pleasure. This is my vocation. Or so I thought. 

Until Tara.

My sexy neighbor with her douchenugget ex-fiancé. Tara and I weren’t friends, we were barely acquaintances, until the tears, and the fistfight, and then … the sex. 

Now what do I do? I can’t be myself with her, and I can’t be Wonderfuck. I want her, but having Tara means watching the walls of my carefully crafted existence crumble. While I have the strength to provide unlimited pleasure, I’m not sure I have the strength to love.

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