Blog Tour + Review: Slave To The Rhythm by Jane Harvey-Berrick

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DANCE. Guns.

MUSIC. Bullets.


Music in my head, dance in my body, the rhythm of my heart.

How far can you fall in just one month? How quickly can the human spirit be broken? Where does evil hide in plain sight?

Ash wants to dance. Needs it. To leave behind a life of expectation and duty, to set his soul free.

But life is never that simple. Every step is a journey on a new road.

For every action, there is a reaction.

Every choice has a consequence.

And when you meet the wrong person, all bets are off.

Laney tolerates her limitations, pushing quietly at boundaries. But when Ash crashes into her world through rage and violence, it sets off a chain reaction that neither of them expected.

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Laney POV
His eyes glowed, passion firing through them. Then he lowered his head and kissed the back of my hand.
It was a sweet, old fashioned gesture, totally at odds with the lust I saw as he let his eyes stroll across my body, seemingly unable to choose between my breasts or my lips.
I helped make up his mind by folding my arms around him and tugging his head down so I could press my lips against his.
He opened his mouth, then proceeded to give me the hottest, slowest, most tantalizing kiss I’d ever had. He was telling me that he was in control and he’d kiss me the way he damn well wanted.
Playful Ash, serious Ash, flirty Ash—I couldn’t help thinking that sexy-as-sin Ash was proving to be my favorite.
His hips moved in a slow rhythm that may have been dancing or may have been back-to-basics grassroots grinding. I reached down for the heat between his legs, massaging the growing bulge at the front of his jeans.
A shudder ran through his body and he ground harder against my hand. I couldn’t wait to be skin to skin.
I unbuttoned his shirt clumsily, fingers deft as sausages as I tried to get at his bare skin. He laughed against my lips and lifted his arms so I could pull the cotton over his head.
Skin like warm silk, smooth and soft, covering hard muscle, my fingers dragged across the planes and ripples of his chest and stomach, then fluttered over the welts and scarred flesh of his back.
Ash kicked off his shoes, and rid himself of the rest of his clothes before prowling toward me. His eyes said, naked now! Mine replied, make me.
He swept me from my feet so swiftly, my stomach swooped, and he carried me to the bed, our bed, working my clothes from my body between slow, hot kisses.
I closed my eyes, needing some defense against his beautiful face and the sensations that threatened to overwhelm me. He was an ocean wave, the high tide, and I was drowning in happiness and physical pleasure.
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**Received ARC in exchange for an honest review**

"We were dancing, together, our rhythm matching perfectly, because I was moving to his rhythm."

This is now my favorite book by Jane Harvey-Berrick. This book was amazing. It will grab you right from the start and it won't let you go until the end, and even then you'll want more! Jane did such an amazing job with this book. She really did her research and delivered us a heartbreaking and beautiful story. At times certain scenes weren't easy to read but they were REAL. This story isn't a fairytale about two characters meeting and falling in love right away, these characters go through so much as individuals and as a couple. I can't even come up with the right words and sentences to explain how much this story touched me.

"Laney was above the need for oxygen. Moj sonček- my sunshine."

I can't really tell anything about the story because I think the best way to fully experience this book is to go in blind. This story will open your eyes to a dark world which most people are unaware of. Our main Ash is a dancer, and dancing is his life. He travels to Las Vegas to work there as a dancer. He is very excited and imagines a new world opening up for him. But nothing is like it seems. Laney is also in Las Vegas but for other reasons, she is there for a weekend away with her friends.

"Laney was the sun, my sun. She warmed me, she dazzled me. She lit the way like a beacon of hope."

This story is so unique and heartbreakingly real. I had so many different emotions running through me. It is also very unpredictable, you just don't know what will happen next. I also want to mention that the author did an amazing job in not rushing through the story. There are so many books where the author rushes through the last 15-20% of the book, that it ruins the story BUT Jane Harvey-Berrick kept the steady pace going. It was absolutely perfect in my eyes. You still get so many new information the last part of the book and it will keep you intrigued and interested till the last word of the epilogue. There are secondary characters who deserves their story told and I am so happy that at least one of them will get to tell his/her story.

Seriously READ this book!! You won't regret it!

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For as long as I can remember, I wanted to write. Perhaps it was growing up in a village well known for its mystery and folklore, which sparked my imagination as a child.
I enjoy writing in several different genres, and I've just published my first romcom, 'Dazzled'.
All my books have a little me in them, and I'm inspired by the personal stories of those around me. It's often from a simple discussion overheard in the train ('Exposure'), in a café, or in the street, where ideas for characters or scenes come to me.
I fell in love with both Sam ('The New Samurai') and the eponymous Sebastian in 'The Education of Sebastian' and the sequel 'The Education of Caroline', and missed them desperately once I'd finished their stories. I love writing dialogue and always try to include touches of humour in the most poignant stories.
Whether you like adult romance novels, new or young adult writing, thrillers, or fantasy, I hope you'll enjoy the journey through my stories.

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