Book Blitz: Excerpt + Giveaway - James and Harper: Come and Come Back by J.A. Huss

James and Harper: Come and Come Back: Dirty, Dark, 
and Deadly #1 and #2 By JA Huss
Romantic Suspense, Erotic romance


A TWO-BOOK BUNDLE from New York Times Bestselling Author JA Huss

COME - Dirty, Dark, and Deadly Book One 
This is a novella. 
You will get more questions than answers in this book. 
If you hate that - skip this whole series completely.
(It's twisty, complicated, dark, dirty, and ALL the main characters are killers.) 
My name is James Fenici and you will never see me coming. I walk the shadows like darkness itself. I hide in the corners where nobody looks. I live by no rules, I have no boundaries, I take no prisoners, and I never, ever blink. I am not your knight in shining armor; I'm your worst nightmare. 
My name is James Fenici and you are my target. Only one of us is getting out alive, and that's not gonna be you. Once your name is on my list, your life is over. It's a deal I make with death, it's a contract I sign in blood, it's forgone conclusion--get used to it. 
My name is James Fenici and I'm as dirty as they come. But then one day I saw her. And every monster I thought I was. Every fact I thought I knew. Every dirty promise I ever turned down came back to slap me in the face. 
My name is James Fenici and I think I am in love.

COME BACK - Dirty, Dark, and Deadly Book Two 
This is a full-length novel 
The final book (Coming For You) is now available.

"Secrets keep the darkness alive," Harper tells me. But that's not how I see it at all. Secrets keep me alive, the truth is overrated, honesty is never the best policy, and when your job title is Assassin Number Six--lies are your lifeblood.
"Death is a business deal," I tell her back. And I shake his hand with secrets every chance I get. They're currency in my world. I pay my debts with them, I feed on them, they ground me in the present and they promise me a future.
But Harper Tate is everything I've ever wanted. She's my promise, she's my obsession, she's a delicious fuckable transgression. She can be mine. She will be mine. All I have to do is complete the mission.
There's just one teeny, tiny problem with the mission. 
It's a secret.

James & Harper
COME and COME BACK (Books One & Two)


“Deeper, baby,” he says through a moan.
I open wider to take in more and then his hand is on my head, forcing his cock down my throat. I breathe through it like he taught me last time he did this.
“Good girl. You’re a very good girl.” But his pressure increases as soon as the words are out and I gag. He doesn’t let up and my mouth fills up with saliva. He grabs my hair and pulls my head back. “Make my dick wet.” The pooling saliva drips out of my mouth and onto his cock, then slides down towards his balls. “Rest your head back on my leg, Harper. Relax now, and watch.”
I do relax. His hand pumps his cock, now slick with my saliva, in long strokes. I can tell he’s squeezing hard by the way he groans when his hand fists the top of his head. When I look up at him, he’s staring at me. “I did this in front of you when you slept sometimes.”
“Did you want to stick it in my mouth?
“No.” He smiles when I have a look of surprise on my face. “No, I always fantasized about you waking up and watching me and then you’d stick your fingers in your pussy and we’d masturbate together, coming at the same time.”
“And then what?” I open my legs and finger myself, making sure to keep my head on his thigh,. His eyes never leave mine and mine never leave his.
“And then I’d kiss you and tell you it was just a dream. And you’d close your eyes and go back to sleep.”
“You didn’t want to fuck me?”
“Shit,” he laughs. “Yes, Harper. I wanted to fuck you. But not like that.”
“You’re so weird.”
“Why’s that?” His hands knead my breasts, twisting my nipples gently every few seconds.
“I just don’t get you. You want me, but you feel guilty for wanting me. It’s because of the promise? And my age? You hate that I’m young, don’t you?”
“Jesus fucking Christ, no. Just thinking about how young you are makes me want to fuck you harder.”
“Then what do you want that I’m not giving you?” He waits a few beats and it actually makes me so nervous, I want to scream at him. “Tell me,” I finally beg. “Just tell me what you want. I’m ready to do almost anything.”


JA Huss is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than twenty romances. She likes stories about family, loyalty, and extraordinary characters who struggle with basic human emotions while dealing with bigger than life problems. JA loves writing heroes who make you swoon, heroines who makes you jealous, and the perfect Happily Ever After ending. You can chat with her on Facebook, Twitter , and her kick-ass romance blog, New Adult Addiction ( If you're interested in getting your hands on an advanced release copy of her upcoming books, sneak peek teasers, or information on her upcoming personal appearances, you can join her newsletter list and get those details delivered right to your inbox.
Ends March 9, 2015

Signed copies of Come & Come Back, 
various JA Huss swag, 
$10 gift card.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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