Release Day Lunch : The Gifted by Tamra Lassiter

The Gifted
by Tamra Lassiter
Publication Date: December 1, 2014
Genres: FantasyRomanceYoung Adult

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No gift is too small.
Sara’s gift of flight became known when she was eight years old. It was her gift from God and her secret to keep. Torn between pleasing her overprotective parents and literally soaring through the clouds, Sarah has resigned herself to being the oddball.
Everything changes in one moment. Sara’s gift saves her life, but there are witnesses. Her secret is out. She soon meets the charming Simon and learns exactly why her parents have kept her hidden away all these years.
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About Tamra Lassiter

I live outside Washington, D.C. with my wonderfully supportive husband and two daughters, one of which is approaching her teenage years. Help us all! If that isn’t enough, we have a Great Dane and an English Bulldog to keep us on our toes. It’s crazy around here and I love every minute of it!
Writing is my third career. I didn't set out to be a writer, it was just meant to be. My Mechanical Engineering degree from Virginia Tech prepared me well for my first career as an Engineer/Program Manager. My second career was in Human Resources. Long story, but I figured it out. I believe the best start for a writing career is to be a reader first and I’ve been an avid reader my whole life. I've loved to read ever since I picked up my first Nancy Drew mystery in the fourth grade. Now I love reading just about everything, but I don’t read sad books and I don’t watch sad movies either for that matter, no matter how many awards they’ve won. Life’s too short and who needs all that strife to bring us down?
Many of my words have been penned late into the evening, which explains why I’ve never viewed whatever television show you recommend to me. I would, however, love to hear your recommendations for a great read!
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