Cover Reveal: Copper Veins (Copper Legacy #3) by Jennifer Allis Provost

Today we're very excited to bring to you the cover of the final book in the Copper Legacy series by Jennifer Allis Provost: Copper Veins!

Take a look:

Title: Copper Veins (Copper Legacy #3)
Author: Jennifer Allis Provost
Publisher: Spence City
Expected Publication Date: July 7, 2015

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Full jacket:

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Sara’s pretty sure her life is perfect.

Not only are she and Micah finally married, her father, who’d been missing since the Magic Wars, has been found. Actually, he just strode up to the manor’s front door, but whatever. Sara knows better than to look a gift horse in the mouth.

But Baudoin Corbeau isn’t content to return to family life. He’s decided that he will be the force of change in the Mundane world, and lead the Elemental resistance to victory with his children at his side. What’s worse, Baudoin doesn’t approve of Sara’s marriage, and makes every attempt to separate her from Micah.

After a visit to the Mundane realm leaves Sara, Max and Sadie imprisoned by the Peacekeepers, Sara’s doubts creep to the surface. Is her father right? Does she belong in the Mundane realm, not the Otherworld? Is Micah really the right man—make that elf—for her?
Was marrying him a mistake?

Previous Books:

Copper Girl(#1) Barnes and Noble  

 Amazon - (Kindle / Print)

Copper Ravens (#2) Barnes and Noble  

Amazon -  (Kindle / Print)

About the Author

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Jennifer Allis Provost is a native New Englander who lives in a sprawling colonial along with her beautiful and precocious twins, a dog, two birds, three cats, and a wonderful husband who never forgets to buy ice cream. As a child, she read anything and everything she could get her hands on, including a set of encyclopedias, but fantasy was always her favorite. She spends her days drinking vast amounts of coffee, arguing with her computer, and avoiding any and all domestic behavior. 

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