Book Blitz: Excerpt + Giveaway - Lessons in Love (Lessons in Love #1) by Clarissa Carlyle

Lessons in Love (Lessons in Love #1)
Release Date: 02/24/14
New Adult
183 pages

Summary from Goodreads:
Book 1 in the Lessons in Love New Adult Romance series

The Lessons in Love series follows the story of high school cheerleader Alex Heron. She's pretty, blonde and popular. Alex seems to have it all, but she's hiding a dark secret from her past that threatens to destroy her future. Only the handsome new math teacher, Mark Simmons, can see past Alex's façade to the real girl hiding inside. He wants to help Alex overcome her past, but will their developing feelings for each other get in the way?

Buy Links:
Amazon USApple iTunesBarns & NobleKobo

Books in the Lessons in Love series:
Lessons in Love –
Letters of Love –
Living with Love –


Alexandra Heron gave her brightest smile as she pivoted around in her red and white cheerleading outfit. With the sun shining and her blonde halo of hair bouncing around in a ponytail, she looked every inch the American teen dream. But no one watching knew of the anguish she was feeling inside. Alex had gotten good at keeping her past well hidden.
“W.” she exuberantly yelled out the letter with the other girls, using her arms to make the “W” shape. 
Out in the afternoon sun, the cheerleaders of Woodsdale High practiced hard. They spun, jumped, and kicked around in a small corner of the football field. A handful of male admirers seated themselves nearby, enjoying the show. The team was renowned throughout the state for its high energy and perfectly choreographed performances.
After an hour of practice, the girls disbanded, clapping their sign-off chant in happy unison. They fanned out, each going their own way.
“Alex, that routine was great,” Claire Taylor complimented after the rehearsal. 
“Thanks.” Alex smiled modestly, picking up her water bottle from the side of the field and taking a long, refreshing drink. 
“I like the new direction you are taking the team. You make a great captain,” Claire continued. 
“Thanks.” Alex blushed. 
“We still need to work on the pyramid, and there are a few girls out of step,” Sophie Walker said with her arms folded as she sat down on the nearby bleachers. 
“Yes, I know.” Alex forced a smile.
“Well, as captain, that’s the sort of thing you need to figure out,” Sophie said as her dark eyes bore into Alex’s blue ones. 
“As vice-captain you could always help out more,” Claire suggested, raising an angered, perfectly shaped eyebrow at Sophie. 
“I wouldn’t want to step on any toes,” Sophie replied coolly. She finished her drink and headed away from the field, loosening her ponytail, so that her dark hair cascaded down her back. 
“She’s still sore about not making captain,” Claire apologized to Alex. 
“It’s okay. I can handle Sophie Walker.” Alex shrugged. 
“You never sweat the small stuff, do you?” Claire noted. 

“Life’s too short.” Alex smiled. 

About the Author

I have been an avid reader and and writer since my earliest school days. Reading was my first and earliest passions, often seeking the safe sanctuary of my room or the library to read everything I could. My favorite has been romance. I penned some romantic poetry in high school and was winning school awards for my short stories when I was just 16. In college I would hibernate in the library for days at a time, consuming every short story and novel I could find. My diploma says Bachelors in English Lit. which I'm very proud of. I probably drink too much coffee and eat too much junk food, but to compensate do like running when the weather is nice. I love shopping in the mall even if I never find what I'm looking for. I'm a hopeful romantic who prefers novels with a happy ending.

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