Book Blast: Merry Christmas, Henry by Aubrey Wynne

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Merry Christmas, Henry By Aubrey Wynne 
Publication Date: November 5, 2013
 Publisher Melange Books 


Henry, a shy and talented artist, moonlights as a security guard at a museum and loses his heart to a beautiful, melancholy woman in a painting. As his obsession grows, he finds a kindred soul who helps him in his search for happiness. On Christmas Eve, Henry dares to take a chance on love and fulfill his dream. 
Winner of Best Short Romance in the Editors and Predators Reader's Choice of 2013.

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  Aubrey Wynne resides in the Midwest with her husband, dogs, horses, mule and barn cats. She is an elementary teacher by trade, champion of children and animals by conscience, and author by night. Obsessions include history, travel, trail riding and all things Christmas. She is a proud member of the Coffee Talk Writers. Her debut story, Merry Christmas, Henry, was published in November 2013 by Melange Books, LLC and won E&P Reader's Choice Best Short Romance 2013. Her humorous shorts can be found at Keep in touch with Aubrey: 

Website   Twitter   Facebook or Goodreads Coming soon: Rolf's Quest in the 


Love Least Expected Anthology. Release date February 2015 Set during the early years of the Henry II and Eleanor of Aquitaine, Rolf's Quest combines the legend of Merlin with a romance between one of his descendants and a young noblewoman. Rolf must break the curse that has trapped Merlin in a tree for over a century. But finding the genuine love that has eluded generations before him is no easy task, even for a wizard. When Melissa steps from his dreams and into his arms, he realizes that her love is much more than a way to free Merlin. Will his determination and magic be enough to win Melissa's affection and turn her back on her betrothed?
~~Love Least Expected, coming February 3, 2015~~

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  1. Ho, ho, ho! Thank you so much for hosting me. Have a great holiday!

    1. It's my pleasure! Have a great holiday, Aubrey! 😊


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