Cover Reveal & Giveaway + Excerpt: Faithless Serial (Part 1-3) by K.B. Nelson


Faithless Serial (Part 1-3) by K.B. Nelson 
Publication date: December 2014
Genres: Contemporary, New Adult, Romance
Designed by K.B. Nelson 


She's a stripper. He's a preacher. Her name's Faith, and he's been faithless since the day she went away. 

Faith Richards knows she'll never be able to outrun her demons, but she's not looking for absolution. She's looking for release. When she's forced to return home by circumstances she'd rather not discuss, she runs straight to Noah. The only boy that could ever make her feel alive. The only boy who ever truly broke her heart. The only boy who could possibly save her from herself. 

But Noah isn't a boy anymore... 

Noah Parker is a man torn, fighting to understand his place in this world after his latest run-in with tragedy. Everyone he's ever loved has left him, either on a greyhound bus or in a casket. He no longer believes the words he preaches and his life hangs in the balance of honesty. Reuniting with Faith might be the only thing that can save him, but based on their tumultuous history, it's more than likely it'll destroy him. 

Faithless is the story of two broken people searching for the impossible: a love strong enough to put the pieces of their broken hearts back together. Their romance is forbidden. Their love is undeniable. Their lives hang in the balance. And when their world begins to burn to the ground, they'll be faced with one impossible decision: can they live with who they've become? 

Release Dates:
  Part One - December 7th   
Part Two - December 21st
Part Three - January 4th


A song begins, and it only takes a few strokes of her guitar before I realize what she’s playing—my favorite song since I was a child. The woman in the back belts out Wild Horses with the power of a Kelly Clarkson clone. The way she twists with the melody is haunting, a complete display of emotional battery. With her words, she beats the fuck out of my fragile soul, leaving wounds and bruises so dark, so blue, that anyone can see. 

Noah sees. He sees right through me and the space between us shatters. Our walls come down and he stares into my eyes. I catch a glimpse of who we used to be before the world set out on its campaign to destroy us. 

His palm grazes over my shoulder before landing on my back. “Come dance with me.” 
I don’t say anything, but respond by sliding off my stool and landing on my feet. I let him take the lead as he slowly draws me out to the center of the dance floor. The floor is vacant with nothing standing between us and the songbird—and she soars to new heights, further damaging my fragile emotional state. 
Noah takes my left hand into his right and wraps his left hand around my hip. We begin to circle each other, our feet directing where we go. “I’ve missed you, Faith.” 
I want to lie to him and say that I don’t feel the same way because things are a whole lot easier that way. But I can’t lie, not right now. Not when he’s holding me like this. “I missed you, too.” 
“I’m sorry for earlier.” He runs his face over his shoulder. “I know I can come off bitter and angry.” 
“You think?” I ask deadpan. 
“I know.”
I lean my head against his shoulder, and it’s a much-needed rest. I could fall asleep like this, all the while my feet continuing to dance in a circle. “Do you ever wish we could go back and change things?”
“Every second of every day.” 
I let out a light chuckle that is muffled against the fabric of his shirt. “Our past defines us, Noah. Everyone says it shouldn’t,” I say somberly, “but it does, and I’m running on empty here…”


I grew up on a farm in Ohio, but that's not very interesting, is it? When I'm not writing you can find me doing one of two things; getting lost on highways or getting lost in the lives of fictional characters. If my heart had two feet, one foot would be in romance and the other solidly in geekdom. I hope you'll all follow me on my journey through this carnival they call life.I promise there will be a happy ending. 

Author links: 
Website - Facebook - Twitter - Goodreads 

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