✌Book Blitz & Giveaway ✌- The Fighter by Kira Adams

The Fighter (Foundation #2)
by Kira Adams 
Release Date: 10/28/14

Summary from Goodreads:

Junior year was supposed to be some of the best times of his life. Instead, Jace Austin lost not only his mother, but also his identical twin brother. After time to heal and grieve, Jace was able to confront his inner demons, and open himself up to love.

Senior year is shaping up to be more of the same; another day, another roller coaster. His father believes Jace is to blame for the deaths in their family; drinking himself numb. He can’t play the hero all the time, and one day soon Jace is going to come face to face with that reality—and let’s face it, it won’t be pretty.

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Pieces of Me
by Kira Adams 
Release Date: 08/11/14

Summary from Goodreads:
For sixteen year old Peyton Lane, life has never been easy. She’s not popular, overweight, and oh yeah, her sister is embarrassed of her. But over the course of a tumultuous year, everything changes for Peyton. 

Suddenly all eyes are on her and it’s not because she’s fat. From a pair of handsome twins to a couple of dangerously sexy rockers, Peyton will have to find out who she can trust with her heart. From the ups and downs to the twists and turns—this is Peyton’s story of finding one’s voice and growing into your own.

This is a coming of age romance that involves realistic situations and raw emotions. This is Pieces of Me.

Buy Links:
Amazon * Barnes & Noble * Createspace


Even though she looked like she had crawled her way out of hell, Peyton always looked beautiful to me. I was happy for the distraction.
“How can you look like such a train wreck to the rest of the world but so irresistible to me?” I asked, breaking into a wide grin.
“Wow, you are such a romantic…” Peyton rolled her eyes before an unsteady look took over her face. Quickly, she threw her hand over her mouth in an attempt to hold it together. “I’m going to be sick!” She barely got the words out before she raced off of her bed and into the adjoining bathroom, not bothering to close the door behind her.
I felt terrible for her. Even though being around someone puking was not ideal and quite nauseating, I had a strong stomach. Without waiting for any instruction for her, I joined Peyton in the bathroom, scooping up her long hair from her face and holding it back as she released the remnants of her unsettled stomach. “I should get a boyfriend of the year award for this,” I joked lightly from behind her.
Although she wasn’t facing me, I could still feel a smile playing across her lips. She ripped off a couple of squares of toilet paper, wiping her mouth. After flushing the toilet, she fell against the wall of the bathroom, weak and tired. “I feel terrible.”
“I know,” I replied in a soothing voice, rubbing her shoulder gently with my hand. “Is your stomach feeling settled? Did you want to get back into your bed?”
“I feel like World War Three is happening in there,” Peyton said, closing her eyes lightly.
“I’m sorry babe.” Luckily for me, I rarely ever got sick, but that didn’t mean I couldn’t sympathize with her. “Here, let’s get you back into your bed.” I scooped up her weak frame and carried her the few feet to her full-sized bed, softly laying her down onto her pillows. “Do you want the covers on you?”
She shook her head yes as I pulled them over her body which was now facing away from me. I kissed the top of her head, turning to exit her room.
“Where are you going?” A small voice rose out of her, her body still facing the opposite direction. “I’m not leaving, I promise. I’m going downstairs to get you a puke bowl.” See what I said? Best boyfriend ever…

About the Author

Krista Pakseresht has always been a dreamer. From the first time she opened her eyes. Creating worlds through wordsis one thing she is truly talented at. She specializes in Young adult/New adult romance, horror, action, fantasy, and non-fiction under the pen name Kira Adams.

She is the author of the Infinite Love series, the Foundation series, the Darkness Falls series, and the Looking Glass series.

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