Book Blitz: Excerpt & Giveaway : Tainted Energy by Lynn Vroman

Title: Tainted Energy
Series: Energy, Book 1
Author: Lynn Vroman
Publisher: Untold Press
Publication Date: November 4, 2014
Genres: Dark Fantasy, Young Adult

Tainted Energy
Release Date: 2014

Summary from Goodreads:
For seventeen-year-old Lena, living in the trailer park with the rest of town’s throwaways isn’t exactly paradise. Dealing with a drunken father who can't keep his fists to himself doesn’t help matters either. The only good thing in her life, other than track, is the mysterious man who visits her dreams, promising to find her.

When a chair burns her arms, Lena chalks it up to stress-induced crazy. Yet as bizarre incidents escalate, even being crazy can’t explain it all away… until one day dream guy does find her.
Tarek lost Lena seventeen years ago after she was accused of treason and marked Tainted. He finally discovers her reborn on Earth into a life of suffering as punishment for her crime.

However, someone else has already found her… and wants her dead. Willing to sacrifice everything, he fights to keep her safe so she can live the only life she’s ever known—even if that life doesn’t include him.

Buy Links:

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Excerpt 5.

A movement at the edge of the forest caught my attention, causing me to grip the railing. At first, I thought it was Wilma, but the shape was too big, too masculine. Maybe one of the potheads decided to come back without his friends? Nope. The size of the guy didn't match any of the skinny boys who walked in minutes before.
When he made it to the edge of the woods, twinges of...something...prickled my skin.
"Finally." His voice was a whisper, but that didn't stop what he said from carrying across the road as he moved closer. Sadness covering his face gave me an odd urge to reassure him, let him know everything was okay.
His hand covered his heart. "It's been so long."
I took sporadic, small steps off the porch, not wanting to spook him. That's when I noticed his clothes.
Dressed all in black, the tight shirt and pants made his blond hair glow. I'd never seen anyone outside of actors in movies wear what passed for a leotard, which moved with him as though his clothes were a living organism leeching onto his body, needing it to survive.
"Who are you?" My nails dug into the wood.
He shook his head as the sadness surrounding his eyes tightened to anger so vivid waves of it floated in the frosty air.
The sudden change definitely helped erase any desire to soothe him. I had no clue what pissed him off, but sticking around to find out didn't sound like a good idea.
The ripples and sways of his shirt as he stalked across the road were beautiful, graceful, but the look on his face said I should forget about his grace and run.
My hands pushed down the air in hopes he understood the universal signal for calm down.
If he understood, he didn't listen because he ate up the rest of the space between us in seconds.
I took off, running to the back of the park, not wanting to lead him to my doorstep. He was right behind me, so close I imagined his breath hitting the back of my neck when he spoke. "Wait!"

About the Author

Born in Pennsylvania, Lynn spent most of her childhood, especially during math class, daydreaming. Today, she spends an obscene amount of time in her head, only now she writes down all the cool stuff.

With a degree in English Literature, Lynn used college as an excuse to read for four years straight. She lives in the Pocono Mountains with her husband, raising the four most incredible human beings on the planet. She writes young adult novels, both fantasy and contemporary.

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