Book Blitz: Excerpt & Giveaway - Click Date Repeat by K.J. Farnham

This is my stop during the book blitz for Click Date Repeat by K. J. Farnham. This book blitz is organized by Lola's Blog Tours. The book blitz runs from 26 November till 1 December, you can view the complete blitz schedule on the website of Lola’s Blog Tours.
Click Date Repeat
by K. J. Farnham
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Age category: Adult
Release Date: 21 August, 2014
These days, finding love online is as commonplace as ordering that coveted sweater. But back in 2003, the whole concept of Internet dating was still quite new, with a stigma attached to it that meant those who were willing to test the waters faced a fair amount of skepticism from friends and family. Such is the case for Chloe Thompson, a restless 20-something tired of the typical dating scene and curious about what she might find inside her parents’ computer. With two serious but failed relationships behind her, Chloe isn’t even entirely sure what she’s looking for. She just knows that whatever it is, she wants to find it. Based loosely on author K. J. Farnham’s real-life online dating experiences, Chloe’s foray into online dating involves a head-first dive into a world of matches, ice breakers and the occasional offer of dick pics, all while Chloe strives to shake herself of the ex who just refuses to disappear. Will she simultaneously find herself and “the one” online, or will the ever-growing pile of humorous and downright disastrous dates only prove her friends and family right? There’s only one way to find out… Click. Date. Repeat.
You can find Click Date Repeat on Goodreads
There’s not much of a crowd at Starbucks. I suppose coffee is not the drink of choice for most people on a Friday night. I decide to hold off on placing my order and wait for Packer Fan. Even though I know his name is Patrick, I can’t stop thinking of him as Packer Fan, or Packer Fan Patrick. Maybe it has something to do with the close-up of him with a green and yellow face. I’m willing to bet that his body was probably painted as well. It’s kind of crazy that we’re meeting in person without even talking on the phone first, but Packer Fan Patrick kind of reminds me of an old high school friend who was always the life of the party and always had people rolling with laughter. In my response to the three messages he had sent, I asked about his profile pictures, which all appeared to have been taken at Packers games. He responded by detailing his lifelong history as a Packer fan. It all started when he was three . . . Three paragraphs later, he explained that his recently deceased grandfather left him and his brother season tickets. I couldn’t help but laugh at the way he used ten exclamation points at the end of a sentence that mentioned his dead grandfather.
I take a seat at a table near the window so I can watch for Packer Fan Patrick. Just as I’m getting comfortable, my chair begins to shake.
“Boo!” Someone continues to jiggle my chair back and forth.
Startled, I grip my seat, one hand on each side, and look over my shoulder to see Patrick grinning maniacally. “Okay, okay. Where did you come from?” I grin, trying to hide my unease.
Before I’m able to turn back around, he scurries to the other side of the table. Instead of sitting across from me, he picks a chair up with one hand, plops it down next to me, and takes a seat.
He laughs boisterously and extends a hand. “Chloe! Good to meet you!”
“Nice to meet you, too. I didn’t think you were here yet.” I say. I am genuinely smiling now—partly because his friendly demeanor is contagious but also because of his outfit. Patrick is wearing a Packer sweatshirt with green and gold Zubaz pants. As if that isn’t enough to show his fan spirit, he is also wearing yellow sneakers with green Nike emblems. I wonder if he dressed this way to be funny or if he wears Packers apparel all the time.
“Ha!” He slaps his knee and points toward the back, near the bathrooms. “I was sitting at that table over there. I thought it would be funny to sneak up on you.” He laughs hysterically and slaps his knee again.
People are starting to stare. Maybe Patrick is a bit too energetic for Starbucks.
“Good one. You really got me,” I say, smiling politely. “Do you want coffee?”
“Nah. I don’t drink coffee. Makes me jittery.” He holds his hands out in front of him and makes them shake as he speaks. At this point, I wonder if he might be on something.
“Okay. Well, I’m going to get a coffee. Do you want . . .”
He jumps out of his seat and says, “Come on. Coffee’s on me.”
By the time I grab my purse and get to the counter, Packer Fan Patrick is already talking to the barista. “. . . half skim, half whole, extra whip, with an extra shot of espresso.”
“Did you say grande?” she asks.
Patrick bursts into laughter. “I’m just messin’ with you! You’re good though. Really good,” he says as he shakes a finger at her.
She frowns. “Well, is there anything I can get for you?”
Patrick continues laughing, oblivious to the barista’s irritation. “I’ll take a hot chocolate. And whatever this little lady is having.” He gestures toward me.
I give her a weak smile and hope that she doesn’t spit in our drinks.

Born and raised in a suburb of Milwaukee, K. J. Farnham was an educator for 12 years. She holds a bachelor's degree from UW-Milwaukee and a master's degree from Carroll University in Waukesha, Wisconsin.
After relocating from Milwaukee to Hudson, Wisc., in 2011, Farnham became a freelance writer and resolved to complete her first novel. The storyline for "Click Date Repeat" is a result of her experiences (and mishaps) with online dating, through which she met her husband.
Farnham lives with her husband, three young children and three cats. When she is not busy keeping up with her kids, she can be found reading or writing. A sequel to "Click Date Repeat" is in the works, and she plans to publish her next novel, "The Me I See," in the spring of 2015.
You can find and contact the author here:
- Website
- Facebook
- Goodreads
There is a tour wide giveaway for the book blitz of Click Date Repeat.
These are the prizes you can win:
- 2 amazon gift cards of 5$
For a chance to win, enter the rafflecopter below:
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