Blog Tour: Excerpt & Giveaway - Destined to Meet by Jourdyn Kelly

Destined to Meet Blog Tour

Book Title: Destined To Meet
Author: Jourdyn Kelly
Genre: YA Urban Fantasy
Release Date: November 8th, 2014
Hosted by: Book Enthusiast Promotions


With the support of her faithful Hunters, Anala travels home for the first time in centuries. After six hundred years of living, what could possibly be out there that she hasn’t seen? What she finds will shock even her.
We met Anala and her eclectic group of Hunters in Destined to Kill. We experienced their pain in Destined to Love. In Destined to Meet, Anala will face her past, present and future all at once. Will she survive the journey? Will her Hunters? And, what will Anala choose to do when she finds out the Society of Hunters and her parents’ legacy are in jeopardy?
This is the final book in the Destined Series. Follow Anala and her Hunters in their final quest to see how it all ends.

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"Well. This is . . . quaint." Eric pushes open the room door to the one and only place to stay here in the village.
I told you. Eric is a total politician since the room we're standing in is a complete broom closet. The good thing is there's absolutely no one around and we have the place to ourselves. So, we rented out four rooms. I think the owners of this 'quaint' little place were a bit stunned, and completely happy to hand over the keys to half of their rooms.
"Isn't it though?" I murmur. All I can think of is how thin the walls are. Somehow I doubt Sam and I will have any privacy, which sucks (pun intended) because feeding from Sam definitely makes me . . .
I clear my throat as Sam laughs quietly. "Yes, Emily?"
"Have you heard from Amanda?"
"Yes. Assuming Tania is on her way here, they're about thirty minutes out. Why don't you two get some sleep? We'll need to keep eyes on Tania at all times unless she ends up bunking down somewhere."
Eric and Emily nod, and Sam and I leave them to go to the farthest room away.
Sam pushes the door close and backs me up against it. "Feeding from me makes you what?" he asks gruffly.
"I'm pretty sure you know."
"I want to hear you say it."
"Well I don't!"
Amanda's voice in my ear startles me so much I jump the entire distance of the room. Okay, it's only like ten feet, but still.
"Damn it, Amanda!" I put my hand over my heart. If I had any doubts that I had a beating heart before, I certainly don't now.
"It's not my fault you left the line open! And I certainly don't want to hear what goes on between you and my brother!"
"Do you have any updates?" The question comes out harsher than I meant for it to, but she interrupted a nice moment that could have turned into really nice moments.
"Don't get all grumpy with me. At least you have someone to do stuff with that shouldn't be done over an open line."
I open my mouth to respond, then close it again. She's right. Amanda finally got her crush to ask her out, and I totally ruin it for her by recruiting her to the Society.
There's an awkward silence, and then a soft clearing of a throat.
"According to Jenna's search, Tania's friend's name is Monica McKinney. Nothing scandalous to report about her. She's twenty-four and works for a bank. She's been there since she graduated from high school. No arrests, no tickets. She's an all-around Pollyanna as far as anyone can tell. Jenna says she can hack into her Facebook to see who her friends are, but I doubt that would help us much. They're definitely on their way there. We are close to your village."
"It's not my village anymore, Amanda," I inform her gently.
"Ana, a part of you will always be there."
I ignore that, and move on with the conversation. "Tell Jenna good job on the search. Do you think Buffy and Willow will visit with the Priestess tonight or find a place to sleep for the night?"
As soon as the question is out of my mouth, I realize that the only place they can sleep is right here where we are. Unless, of course, they know someone in the village. If that's the case, we may get names of some of the other players.
"I'm hoping they sleep, 'cause I'm tired as hell."
I can hear the weariness in Amanda's voice, and it makes me cringe. I need to remember that my Hunters need to rest. Rest, eat, train. It's a simple thing to remember. Why I'm having such a hard time with it, who the hell knows?
"Sam and I will meet you and take over. You guys come back to the motel and sleep."
"We can stick it out until she . . . "
"No, Amanda. Eric and Emily are sleeping. You guys need to as well. Tell me how far out you are and we'll take over the tail as you pass by."
"Is that an order?" Amanda asks haughtily.
"Yes, Ms. Crabby Pants, it is. If you're giving me this attitude, you will only get worse the longer you're awake. I don't need that crap." I make sure I put enough teasing in my voice where she knows I'm kidding with her. At least I hope she does.
"Fine, Selene. We're about twenty minutes out, coming in on the main road."
I chuckle at my 'handle'. "We'll be out there, hidden. I'll signal you when we see you. They may head in our direction since this is the only place to sleep around here. If that's the case, Sam and I will keep watch. If not, we will continue on with them and contact you after you've gotten some sleep."
"Can we be sure you and Sam won't be . . . "
"Yes!" I laugh. "We can control ourselves, you know."
"Sure you can. And Jenna doesn't pop her damn gum."
"Whatever," I laugh. "I have much more self-discipline than blondie. It's really too bad Buffy was taken. Jenna fills that to a tee."
I hear Amanda telling Jenna what I said. "She's giving you a hand gesture. I'll leave it to your imagination what gesture it is. Now get going or you're not going to make it."

"Yes ma'am."
Meet the Author


Currently living in the Houston area, Jourdyn spends her time writing, designing websites and caring for what she equates as a zoo with 3 dogs, 2 cats, a bearded dragon, 2 frogs and 2 turtles and an axolotl. In the recent years, she has changed her lifestyle to include working out and eating right. She now competes in triathlons, will run her second half-marathon in early 2015, and loves Muay Thai kickboxing, boxing and Krav Maga.
Jourdyn loves bringing her characters out for everyone to meet. Her goal is to keep writing in many different genres, as she feels there shouldn't be anything limiting writers.

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